From: Matthew Dyson <>
To: Jason Neyers <>
Date: 27/05/2015 15:59:54 UTC
Subject: Launch of Comparing Tort and Crime (CUP): 20 July 2015, BIICL, London

Dear All,

Following on Paula's heels... you are warmly invited to the launch of
Comparing Tort and Crime, 20 July 2015, BIICL 5-6.30pm.

On 20 July 2015, 5-6.30pm the British Institute of International and
Comparative Law in London will host the launch of M Dyson (ed) Comparing
Tort and Crime, published by CUP. The work analyses how the fields of
Tortand Crime are connected in eight jurisdictions: England, France,
Germany, Sweden, Spain, Scotland, the Netherlands and Australia. Each
country has a chapter where at least one civil and one criminal expert
analyse the institutional, reasoning-based, normative, substantive,
procedural and outcome-related interactions between tort and crime. The
book also contains an introduction on methodology and an in-depth
comparative conclusion. The launch will be a chance to discuss some of
the highlights of the book in an academic setting, followed by more
informal discussions over drinks. Those speaking will be:

Chair: Lord Reed, Justice of the Supreme Court

Matthew Dyson, Fellow in Law, Trinity College, Cambridge, UK.
John Randall QC, St Philips Chambers, Bencher of Lincoln’s Inn and
Adjunct Professor, School of Law, University of New South Wales, Australia.
Veronique Wester-Ouisse, Maître de conférences, University of Rennes,
James Chalmers, Regius Professor of Criminal Law, University of Glasgow,
Arlie Loughnan, Associate Professor, University of Sydney, Australia.


Frédérique Dreifuss, Judge of the 1st Chamber, Cour de cassation, France.
Duncan Fairgrieve, Director of Tort Law Centre, BIICL; Visiting
Professor, Dauphine Université, Paris, France; Barrister, 1 Crown Office
Row; Avocat au Barreau de Paris.

Further details of the event, and to book, are available here:

If you have any questions or if I can help at all, just let me know.


Dr Matt Dyson
Trinity College, Cambridge
+44 (0)1223 338520
Twitter: @TrinityLawCam

View my research on my SSRN author page: